Thursday, February 26, 2015

There is an editorial  opinion published on February 25, 2015 by The Washington Post, " On immigration policy, the GOP is out of touch with the rest of America." The author says that the CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS are so busy and excited with the partial government shutdown-targeting the Department of Homeland Security and its employees that they missed the American's opinion about the illegal immigration. The author shows an internal conflict within the national GOP where the antagonist is represented by the CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS blocking the protagonists executive immigration's order.

The author presents a clear and well supported arguments  that why the antagonist is out of touch whit the rest of the Americans.  He presents  a link of a survey where 60 percent of those surveyed supported  the legalization of illegal immigrants, and that  the majorities in all 50 states favored  a path to a citizenship.  He also mentions that the Americans are more united about this issue that for the same-sex marriage or abortion.

The author audience is the Americans, and his purpose is to wake up the public because the antagonist is ignoring this. The authors suggest that the  CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS are doing what they want to do,  not mattering that they are affecting not only the Department of Homeland Security's employees and their families. But, also millions of immigrants  and their families who are in the limbo.  He presents a well supported evidence and logic about the subject to claim that the antagonist uses immigration issues to control the protagonist and the nation, and he says that this is "the recipe for political marginalization."

I am totally agree with his opinion.  Looks like the republicans still thinking that the power is only for one race, and they are resisting to share it.  They  always reject anything proposed by the president or the opposition. They do not think,  that for the Americans, the GOP is only ONE, and should function as ONE. They need to find and should work on  an agreement quickly because this  conflict  is hurting and diving the American public even more.  However, the big question is if the GOP or part of it is not doing what the Americans want, what is the whole purpose of having a GOP?  There will be many political implications specially for the republican party on the future presidential elections. The Americans should be wise when the time to vote comes in order to choose a better government.

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